Triceratupuz Lab
Realtime audio program to manipulate audio fragments in realtime; basically a combination of sound generation, volatile recorder/looper, processor.

date: 2017-03-27
tags: cabbage csound
A software that performs beat detection, metronome, sequencing, octaver, modulation, reverb and recording in realtime. Developed in python with wxpython and csound libreries.

date: 2016-11-19
tags: python csound
A software synth developed in python with wxpython and csound libraries.

date: 2016-04-04
tags: python csound
The files collection used to record Triceratupuz Netlabel release TPZ11, more info in the README file included.

date: 2016-02-13
tags: csound compile
The Microphonic input sound is passed throug 5 waveguides and 5 resonant low pass filters tuned on the same note but on different octaves. After this stage there are 3 delay units synced to a master tempo and finally everithing in a master reverb. Used Triceratupuz Netlabel release TPZ09 recording. Html5 GUI (tag CsHtml5). Created, tested and used on Csound for Android 6.04

date: 2015-06-07
tags: csound android
5 FM oscillators badly driven by microphonic input sound, used Triceratupuz Netlabel release TPZ08 recording. Html5 GUI (tag CsHtml5). Created, tested and used on Csound for Android 6.03

date: 2015-04-14
tags: csound android
The files collection used to record Triceratupuz Netlabel release TPZ06, more info in the README file included.

date: 2013-10-07
tags: csound compile
The files collection used to record Triceratupuz Netlabel release TPZ05, more info in the README file included.

date: 2013-08-26
tags: csound compile
Tuner for equally spaced temperament instruments, instructions are included in the file.

date: 2013-01-13
tags: csound realtime
Monitor a MIDI port (declared in CsOptions), displays MIDI messages received and send them to the out port. It can create a log file for the messages received, if required.

date: 2012-09-02
tags: csound realtime

Filtered by "csound" records found: 33