How to connect Midi Devices to cSound in QjackCtl This method has been tested under Ubuntu 12.04 Tools: snd-virmidi: part of the Linux kernel QjackCtl Csound Exposing virtual midi ports: sudo modprobe snd-virmidi create a series of raw midi virtual ports visible in QjackCtl>Connections>ALSA tab in the format "XX:Virtual Raw MIDI Y-Z" where X, Y and Z are numbers cSound +-rtmidi=alsa -M hw:Y,Z Y and Z are the numbers visible in the QjackCtl>Connections>ALSA tab for the choosen port (see snd-virmidi ports created above). Connect in QjackCtl the hardware port to the virtual midi port assigned to the Csound program. That's It. April 12, 2014 Triceratupuz Lab triceratupuz-at-libero-dot-it